Firstly, thank you for visiting this site. I need to explain it isn’t a book, doesn't look like the image above (apart from a cover image), isn’t edited or published so there may be a few typos or grammatical errors. My drift should be got, however. I’d like to thank every producer, musician and singer I’ve ever worked with, especially Bernard Beddard and Don Gould, who taught me everything. A huge thank you to Tessa Niles for persuading me to write this because in her words: "You have many stories, you can write and you have fuck all else to do!"

This absolutley free dowloadable pdf below is not only a history of how I got from here to there but also includes many musical links and photographs to explain and accompany that journey.


Please also visit my Facebook page:

In tribute to my wonderful friend and incredible singer, Ellie Keenan; in the unlikely event that you read (part of) this tome and actually enjoyed it, you could make a small donation here. I'd so appreciate that: